MELODY SHARP: I believe anyone can find someone looking for the sound they have to offer. I strongly believe it takes a lot of dedication, practice, talent and an intense work ethic (as well as surrounding yourself with great people and jumping on the opportunities when they present themselves) to make it a full-time career!
AARON LANDON: I think so! It’s all about how you tell that story.
AARON LEHMAN: No, you have to love broadcasting to the point of insanity or you’ll never have the drive.
RUSSELL JAMES: It’s not about your voice.. but more about your ability to tap into the character, morph and pull the right attitude out of your head.
ADAM KECSKEMETI: I think so. It comes down to determination and persistence. Helps to have a good ear as well.
MELISSA THOMAS: I want to say yes, but ultimately it comes down to how bad you want it. How many hours you are willing to dedicate, how many industry connections you’re willing to make and whether or not you have the desire to hone your craft.
RYAN DREAN: Yes. Perhaps talent would be defined loosely? I know I am and will always be a work in progress so anyone who is willing to put in the time and effort can certainly make some mark on the industry
ADAM SCHNEIDER: yes, with the proper drive, training, and talent. The quality of VO talent is what the question should be
RANDY THOMAS: You have to have talent, a sense of humor, a persistent nature, and a bulletproof ego that allows you to audition every day, get passed on and yet wake up the next day and every day excited, enthused and ready to deliver your best performance on the next audition. It’s a crazy wacky business that is not for the faint of heart. On the flip side I am living my best life by using my voice every day to share messages with the world and beyond.
ADRIENNE GRECHMAN: That’s a trick question! Anyone who is diligent, has a good attitude, and understands that it’s a craft that needs to be learned and developed has a good chance at being a VO talent. It comes more naturally for some than others, but nobody gets great without a lot of work. Some people have speech impairments that can hinder their ability to get work. However, someone with a unique voice can be very desirable!
ROB REED: I would say, no. Although, it depends what genre we’re talking about. There are many doors that can open, in many areas. But, generally – I would say, no… not just anyone can succeed in the long run.
ALYSON STEEL: Sure! Haven’t you heard that it’s a get rich quick thing? 😉
ANDREA ROOZ: No. In addition to being born with a decent sounding voice, you also need to know how to take those words off the page, which can be more difficult than it sounds.
ANDY FIELD: Almost. The question is how much training does it take to get someone there. But, as a former math teacher, I’m also a believer that anyone can do calculus — it’s just a question of how far back you need to go to get there. For some people, that’s 2nd grade.
ROBERTA SOLOMON: NO!! There are, however, a lot of people who THINK they can be a voice talent, and plenty of so-called experts selling them the dream.
There’s no question that people are coming to VO from lots of different corners now, but this business is deceptively difficult. The competition is fierce and growing every day, there’s less money in it now than there ever has been, and it requires constant work to stay on top of trends. I know of no other industry where people with no experience whatsoever believe they should be instantly competitive. The talent who do succeed train with coaches, know how to run a home-based business, and update their skills constantly. It’s a really hard business to get into, it’s hard to move up the food chain, and it’s very hard to stay competitive. From the outside, though, it looks so easy. Like, “You just talk, right? Everybody can do that!”
ROB WREFORD: No, not everyone can be a voice talent. Just like in baseball, some people are awful at the sport, however some make it to the big leagues. Same thing holds true in the VO business. As a VO Professional, I’d just like to be making the same money that a Major League Baseball Player would make!
ANDY SAFNAUER: Anyone can make noises with their mouth and record words. But to do it well at a high level and make money – you need to have some level of God given ability, then work hard, study how other working talent are doing it, listen, get a coach – did I mention work hard?
ANNA CROWE: No. Great VO talent need the capability to make emotional connections, to care about a message that needs to be conveyed, along with training, coaching and a strong work ethic.
ROBIN SIEGERMAN: No, just like not anyone can be an actor. They can try, but it is a combination of raw talent, on-going training, perseverance and lazer-focused desire.
ANN DEWIG: Sure. Just like most things, while not everyone can make a living at it, anyone can try. It’s very inclusive that way.
ASHLEY CAVALIERE: Absolutely! I think there are so many different types sounds that people are looking for that create awesome opportunities for people of all sounds.
MELISSA THOM: Not in my opinion! Anyone can learn how to be a voiceover, but I do feel that those that work full time as a VO also have intrinsic talent – something that you can’t always learn.
JAY SAWYER: Nope. The hardest skill is to learn how to act and emote with only your voice. Even ‘A’ list actors can’t do VO easily. Experience is key to VO success.
MATT GILCHECK: No. Coaching and the ability to tell a story are crucial. Once you have that, keep coaching and learning.
CHRISTIAN ROSSELLI: No. But anyone can try 😉
LISA BIGGS: Yes & no. You can position yourself to be most anything you want. However, building and maintaining a successful voiceover business takes more than talent. You have to be equal parts voice talent & entrepreneur.
SKETCH: I’m gonna say if you can read articulately, and have some sort of unique quality to one’s voice, then yes anyone with those specifics can probably be a voice over talent.
RON TARRANT: No one starts out as a VO talent, so the short answer yes, but obviously it’s a lot of work to become a (good) one.
RENA-MARIE VILLANO: I do believe they can, yes. With enough effort and learning. No longer is VO just about having a great voice. It’s about being able to deliver emotion and take direction.
STEVE STONE: I don’t discourage anyone from trying, but I feel It takes a unique person. It’s a developed skill that takes time to master. It’s also not just about your voice. For professional voice talent, there is inherent raw aptitude for it. BUT! Aptitude without proper training will only get you so far. You need to constantly study and work on your skills. Just like an elite athlete trains for the season ahead, so should you.
The biggest misconception is that people feel they need to have a deep voice or have a particular sound. the most important thing to know is how to read the copy and make it believable. It’s like acting. Some of the best vo artists out there have real every day voices. They just know how to interpret the copy.
TRE MOSLEY: With coaching and desire, I’d say everyone has the OPPORTUNITY to be a VO Talent.
THOMAS MACHIN: Usually, people that are unable to read or have difficulty in speaking clearly shouldn’t be considering it. Some have absolutely no ability to perform. VO is not something that is open to everyone by its very nature. It is a passion and a lifestyle that requires dedication and flexibility.
TASIA VALENZA: Yes, if you are committed to learning your craft and how to market yourself, you can learn quickly some basics and jump in even without an agent with lots of different VO sites. And if you have an awareness of what your voice lends itself best to you can focus on creating your demos for your signature style and marketing yourself etc.
However, to be a working pro you need to be able to available and flexible in your schedule VO is very last minute and flexibility in scheduling is a requirement for being a successful VO artist.
RACHEL MCGRATH: I think it would be difficult for someone without a voice box to be a VO talent- but anything is possible.
SYLVIA VILLAGRAN: It depends. If you sound like Mike Tyson then no. But if you have a nice sounding voice and it’s your passion then it’s possible that with enough hard work and dedication, lots of classes and practice you can become a successful vo talent.
PAULA TISO: I do believe anyone can be a VO talent. A career is there for anyone willing to put in the time and money. Training is absolutely necessary as well as dedication and focus on the craft of voiceover, an investment of money into a studio setup, starting with a basic setup and adding as the word flow grows. Focus is important as there are so many niches in the voiceover field, pick one to start, there are many ways to create a career in this business.
SUSAN MAZEL: I think you have to understand what’s involved and want it really badly. A lot of people think it’s just reading or talking into a mic. They don’t understand the work behind making it look so easy. And there’s the constant rejection. Some people just aren’t built to handle that.
MACHA GRUBER: Sure! With the right coaching, focus, passion, and dedication you can do anything.
STUART ROBERTS: Of course! Producers are like magicians and can make any voice fit a project. If there was only once type of voice out there, Radio & TV would be very boring!
STEVIE CRIPPS: Yes, but they’ll probably be shit at it. Everyone has a voice, so with a bit of investment in time and dedication it can be possible.
STEVE FOSTER: Not anyone can be a VO talent, but I don’t discourage people from trying
STEVE TAYLOR: Anyone? Being honest – no. While anyone can read words and be recorded, what we do is echelons above that. Can anyone be shaped into a VO talent? Maybe. All of my ‘teachers and influences’ did it for me!
SCOTT MATTHEWS: That’s a bit tricky. I would say yes but it depends on many factors including willingness to take direction/follow advice, strong practice habits, desire to constantly learn/grow and the ability to balance confidence with humility.
SCOTT LAMBRIGHT: The only thing in anyone’s way are your own self-imposed limitations, and trying to appease other people. Same goes with all kinds of acting, music, or art.
PAUL STEFANO: Unfortunately, no. Not because of talent, but it takes an extraordinary amount of drive and persistence. Most people give up too quickly, or don’t put in the time and energy it takes to start a career.
PAT GARRETT: No. I get that all the time from non vo people who have a nice voice but freeze up when I put a piece of copy in front of them or they can’t interpret the copy at all.
NICOLE BRITTON: Hmm. That’s a tricky question for me. I think we can all get there, we just may arrive at different times. I’ve witnessed “Aha” moments that were inspired by talented coaches
NICK MILLER: Can anyone be a Rocket Surgeon? Tough one- People think they can be one, but the difference between can and are, is like my bread baker. I can bake bread, but it’s nowhere near my bread baker’s bread.
NICK DALEY: I think this is twofold. You first have to have clean delivery and a pleasant voice (not necessarily deep). But many people have pleasing voices and poor delivery so that’s part two. If you put the time into working on your craft with a voice coach and you’re willing to have your flaws pointed out in order to correct them then you’re on the right path. EVERYONE has room to grow in some area – the moment you think you’re perfect is the day your competition gets an advantage over you.
MITCH JOHNSON: Never say never – If you learn the skills, can take direction and talk to time I don’t see why not
MIKE MCKAY: No, but that doesn’t have anything to do with voice. If you want to be efficient for your clients, you need to be seriously literate. Knowing when a client has used a word incorrectly that changes meaning or context is more than just helpful. I think you also need to be well-rounded culturally. I may need to know who both Lauv and Alexander Ovechkin are, how to pronounce and what they do in the same session.
MICHAEL NEEB: If you’re driven, passionate and trained – yes! It takes a lot of time and effort to be a full-time VO talent, but nothing beats working from home.
MATT FOGERTY: I think with enough hard work, anything is possible! Go get it!
MATT K BAKER: Only those willing to put in the effort for the long haul.
MATT HOWELL: Yes and no. If it’s something you’re actually really passionate about and interested in then yes please go for it! But if you’ve just been told you have a great both multiple times and think it’s an easy way to make money – find another gig!
RIDER: Absolutely, if you are willing to master all the different hats you have to wear to be a successful voice over artist. That includes everything from QuickBooks to marketing, networking, studio engineering, audio editing, IT if that is a work and many more.
MARIA PENDOLINO: Yes, but in addition to talent, it takes practice, training and hard work to successfully book jobs.
LISA KEYS: I think there’s incredible access to resources and info on how to get started in VO. If you want it badly enough, are willing to put in the work, and find which part of this industry your voice and delivery is best suited to, you’re setting yourself up for success.
LAURA SCHREIBER: No. Though they say it’s not the voice, the voice is part of it indeed and some people just are not meant for this. It also takes a lot of training and commitment to the profession and some folks are not willing to invest in themselves in the long run.
LARRY THOMPSON: Not just anyone. I believe it takes a certain amount of natural ability, just like singing, but, it takes practice and dedication to be really good at it.
KRYSTA WALLRAUCH: Not really. That’s like asking if anyone can be a doctor. It requires a specific set of skill, knowledge, and training.
JOSH GOODMAN: No. Not everyone has the business acumen or the stamina to endure (even if they have the talent)
JONNY JAZZNO: With a good coach, yes…but it takes a special breed of person to do this
JOHN MALONE: No. It takes a combination of talent, training, experience and hard work to become a VO artist.
JOE EARL WILLIAMS: Yes. Everyone has something unique to offer this business. Just be persistent and don’t take no for an answer
JODI ADLER: No! That’s quite a loaded question!! I think you need to want to be a VO talent…then you must have great training…plus talent and drive!
JOANNA STADWISER: I think so…. but I’m not the authority LOL! I think there is raw natural talent but I also believe that with dedication and commitment and hard work, you can learn.
JERRY PELLETIER: Part time. Yes. Full time, no
JENNIFER KNIGHT: I don’t think so. But since “real voices” are what’s in vogue, there is a range of sounds that are marketable and you don’t need a “great voice.” More so, you need to know how to use it. Anyone with a passion can get training and give it a go. The training is key.
JENIFER KAPLAN: I would like to think anything is possible, but some people are not comfortable or have the vocal range, energy, creativity and performance value to give what is needed.
JEN SWEENEY: Ummmm…I don’t think every tom dick harry or betty can be a GREAT vo talent. And it takes more than a pretty voice.
JEFF BERLIN: Yes. All they need to do is spend tens of thousands of dollars on books, coaches, demo producers, and pay to play websites.
JEFF AUGUSTINE: Anyone can be anything if you’re willing to work harder than everyone else at whatever it is you’re trying to accomplish
BOB WOOD: Yes, but that doesn’t mean anyone would pay for what you do.
JAMEY LEWIS: I think so. You never know what producers are looking for. One may decide to go against the trend, thus creating a new path.
JAMES MACPHEE: No. Certain natural vocal characteristics will prevent some people from succeeding in the bizz.
JAMES HALL: Nope. Although the cleaner once made a good extra in a VO session.
JAKE KAPLAN: I truly believe anyone can, there is so much VO work to be done these days there is a voice needed for all types of media. You may not become the next trailer voice, but you have gotta find where you fit into the media landscape.
JACK DANIEL: Probably not. You need an actor’s heart, an excellent ear, supreme confidence, and more persistence than many are willing to give.
ISSA LOPEZ: NO …Can all drop gorgeous people be TOP models … it’s not that easy … It takes determination, drive, motivation, and the two P’s PASSION for voice work and PATIENCE (That’s the hard one)
HEATHER FOSTER: I think so- with enough training. We all have stories to tell from our own perspective.
HARRY LEGG: Yes and No. It is frequently thought that in order to be a VO Talent you must have a “good voice.” It’s not about a deep, traditional voice – it’s about how you use the voice that you have. It’s about bringing words to life. Now if you think you can go buy a cheap mic and computer and boom – you’re in business. Guess again. It takes a lot of hard work, dedication, coaching, networking, and perseverance to truly make voiceover a living versus a hobby. If you’re willing to stick through that uphill battle, yes. If not, no.
JOHN FROST: If I can… ANYONE CAN! It will take time and patience to find your voice tho.
FRAN MCCLELLAN: I believe so, yes. I say this because whether it’s VO or anything else, if someone has a deep passion for it, they will put in the hard work and have the persistence to achieve it. Of course, having some natural ability helps, but a willingness to learn, patience, and persistence will get you where you want to be…eventually 😉
DREWSEAN WILLIAMS: Everyone has a voice, but not everyone can be a talent.
DREW HALL: Yes. But not everyone can be a VO talent.
DRAKE DONOVAN: Can anyone play guitar? Can anyone play hockey? Sure. It’s just going to take lots of practice to be any good at it. I’ve been doing this for 14 years and I’m still learning and growing. Your voice is an instrument and just like a guitar or piano, you need to learn the nuances of performing with that instrument.
DENISE KELLY: If they get the proper training, I’d guess so!
DAVE FOXX: God no. With training, some can, but only if he/she has a dramatic flair.
DANI STATES: Technically? Probably yes. But, honestly? No. I DO think there’s room and a place for the individuality of everyone’s voice and style. But, it takes drive and persistence – training like going to university if you don’t have an acting background, don’t have technical skills, etc.… it’s not something one can *generally* take an online class for 3 months and then jump in and be successful. And, you really really really have to LOVE it and have fun doing it!!! Otherwise, what’s the point?
DAN FRIEDMAN: If you don’t have a speech impediment, mostly … yes. But few people are willing to put in the time, investment in coaching and practice to learn to do it well.
DANE REID: Anyone can do voiceover but not everyone has the talent
CHUCK DAVIS: Yes and no. You can train all you want but, natural talent, that elusive “X” factor and stamina, career-wise, make all the difference in where you’ll end up.
CHRIS ROLLINS: I would say “no”. And it isn’t even about the voice quality. It’s about the love for the craft and the ability to overcome adversity (and when you book 1% of auditions, you have to get used to adversity). You have to realize that success will not come over-night, or even in the first year of doing voiceover. You have to grow a thick skin. You have to be willing to give up certain lifestyle choices (like going on vacation and leaving work behind…that does not happen). You have to have patience when sitting in a four-hour session while the “committee” on the other end decides if you are saying “and” with enough feeling. You have to have the desire to learn, grow, take risks, and take rejection.
CHADD PIERCE: Only in the way that anyone can play a sport. There are multiple levels, it always requires time and a shit ton of hard work to get even remotely good. Most don’t get to The Majors.
CHAD ERICKSON: With lots hard work, continuous coaching and a fulltime commitment, anything is possible.
CAT LOOKABAUGH: They could try, but they might not be very good at it. LOL. Takes training, practice, patience, and perseverance. And passion. I love doing this stuff, and that’s critical.
CAM CORNELIUS: Well, I’ll answer with another question. Can anyone act?
BRIGID REALE: I look at it like any other professional career. If you want to be a doctor or lawyer or teacher or engineer, there is a preparation and a process essential to do it successfully. I am a firm believer that anyone, willing to put in the long-term time and dedication to coaching, demos, genre specific technique, and small business/entrepreneurial practice, can generate voiceover opportunities. It is not an overnight success and not a weekend class to millionaire affair. But with the right guidance, persistence, study, practice and hard work to do it properly, yes you can.
BRIAN WEST: Technically anyone who can read can do VO’s. But voice acting and proper inflections are what’s important. This is an art and a skill that takes years of practice.
BRIAN WHITAKER: Most people might think they can, but I’ve seen a lot of people wanting to “get rich & famous” quick….and can’t handle the rejection factor in the business. Even the top tier network voices get rejected at some point in their career.
BOBBI MAXWELL: Yes, IF they have the talent, the drive, the desire to be coached and critiqued, and can wear many hats (actor/engineer/producer/bookkeeper/marketer/etc).
BOB SCHMIDT: Yeah. Not everyone can be a movie trailer voice, but I’m constantly passing over myself to cast people better suited for specific projects. Just find your strengths.
BOB GLAVIN: No, just because you have a good voice doesn’t mean you can be a VO talent. it takes a lot of training, time, timing, practice, practice, practice
BEV STANDING: No – it’s hard that you’d think and it takes a lot of training. Having a nice / unique voice helps but there’s so much more.
BETH CAMERON: I think anyone who can easily bring emotion to their voice can do voice-over but being a fulltime VO talent takes more than just a good voice.
BETH STEWART: I don’t think so. I believe a certain skill and musicality needs to exist, a willingness to train train train and train again, and extreme flexibility and tenacity are needed. Also, an appreciation for enclosed spaces.